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first movers news
Archive 3 : July'2000 to September'2000 news
OF Late, KSR-ite guys are going Places.. Gnanavel is in best,Holland thru Phillips!!! Both Webmasters of KSRCLASS98 , senthil & chandru are now in London and Poland respectively. SO you would have noticed that not often changes in KSRCLASS98 are made becos of that. We will try to do our best to update it as soon as possible..
Saravanan K of ECE'98 has joined POLARIS this month in chennai. Earlier he was in Hyderabad
Back to Good News!! T R Manikandan of EEE'98 has joined as Project Associate..
One Bad news too- Father of K Suresh Kumar of '98, died in a Car Accident last month in his native Place. Our Condolences to Suresh Kumar..
Maintaining the same breath of good news, V.Kumar of CSE'98 has got thru Zygox in Bangalore last week..Congrats to him
Good Time for KSR-ite Friends all over the World. Shankar Ganesh of '98 has joined Infosys in Bangalore Last month.Congrats Shankar!!
Srinivas of ECE is in US for his Higher Studies thus making KSR-ite strength in US to increase by One more..
Manikumar of CSE has successfully got thru the MS-Allied Aditi Technologies. Perserverence Paid finally..Congrats Mani, YOu deserve it for your Hardwork!!
Prabhu of CSE (98) has joined Satyam Infosystems in Bangalore.
O Dear! O Dear! Like a schindler's list, the list of HCL-Cisco goes on and on and on..... Another Kid in the Block - Anandhi of CSE, got thru' HCL-Cisco.Congrats for Andy!!
Fahmida! Who underwent training in Kshema Technologies, has been made as Software Engineer and has confirmed as Employee..Congrats to her!!
SARADHI() has gone Down Under(Australia) for his Higher Studies, second to go after sathish!
PRABHU(ECE) has been selected by a UK based company as E-COM Programmer for their UK Development Centre. He will be going there by end of Feb'2000.
Vinod of CSE who worked in SPB,Erode is working in airport for an consultant in C.

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