

ECE 2001 News
Welcome to the KSRClass2001 news zone!

Updated on November
Thangavel.P is working in ACCORD SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS PVT LTD,Bangalore.
R.Sathiya Narayanan has joined in L&TInfotech limited,Chennai.
M.Sampath kumar has joined in L&T Infotech Limited,Chennai.
G.Sudharshan Has joined in L&T Infotech Limited,Chennai.
Alamelu is working as a Lecturer in Kumaraguru College.
Parthiban has joined in Reliance Infocom,Salem.
Padmini is working as a Lecturer in Amrita Institute,Coimbatore
K.N.Ramya is working as a lecturer in SSM college.
R.Vidhyalavanya is working as a lecturer in Amrita Institute.
Satishkumar is doing his MS in London
K.Sathya Narayanan is in CROMPTON GREAVES TELE COMM.PVT LTD,Bangalore.
Prasanna is doing his ME in MIT ,Chennai.
Sakthivel is doing his ME in Anna university.
Pushgara Rani is a lecturer in SSM college
K.Kavitha is doing her ME in Sastra (Shanmuga college)
Gopinath is doing his ME in Sastra (Shanmuga college)
Selvi is working as a Lecturer in a Polytechnic
Arul muruga selvi is doing her ME in Sastra(Shanmuga college)
B.Padma is doing her MS in Missisipi Univ.
Anuprakash is a Graduate Engineer Trainee-Namakkal MCN Incharge,Reliance Infocomm Limited.(MCN is similar to a BSNL exchange).
Shivam has been selected in BSNL

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